We install measurement, regulation and dosification equipments that ensure the maximum hygienically quality of water in both private and public swimming pools.
In the case of public swimming pools, water quality should be a priority; these equipments provide security and prevent problems caused by infections through water. The regulations require the presence of residual chlorine as a disinfectant but every day more public pools are installed by other means of disinfection. The choice of appropriate equipment is based on the volume of the pool, installation type (indoor / outdoor), bather load, exposure of solar hours, and the customer’s choice of chlorine, salt electrolysis or other, each system has different advantages.
Advantages of automation:
- With the automatic dosing, the maintenance products are applied with more accuracy and comfort, saving money.
- The disinfection is safer in case of frequent pool use and a big amount of dirt.
- Simple operation.
- The pump quality guarantees a silence operation thanks to a quiet mechanism of pumping.
- Warning signs alert you immediately if there is any unexpected change in water parameters.